K-TV Show: EXchange your EX for a New Lover

by Michelle Li

EXchange | 환승연애 (2021 - present)


One of the most heartbreaking experiences of relationships is the end - the break up. Some may want to see their ex again and some wish to completely forget about them. Well, EXchange follows six couples that have broken up whether it was one month ago or one year ago. 


The participants have three weeks to decide whether they want to reunite as lovers, or form a relationship with another participant. What I find surprising is that they choose to put themselves in a house where they HAVE to live with their exes. I personally would hate putting myself in this position, but hey, it makes for good reality TV 😂


As a viewer, the first few episodes are like a guessing game along with the couples as there are house rules put in place. The rules are as follows - you can not reveal your ex or share your social media platforms, and on the first day, you can not reveal your age and occupation. During the day, participants are given chances to go on dates with the person that piques their interest. But they are NOT allowed to choose their exes!


During the night, the production team sends each participant a text, “send a message to the person you have feelings for”. If participants choose their ex, the ex will get the message, “you were chosen by your ex”. Whereas, some participants develop feelings for others’ and so they'll send a message to their interest. The ex will receive the message, “you were not chosen by your ex”. 


Although participants are not allowed to go on dates with their ex, the production team has a few challenges up their sleeve that may spark feelings for their ex again. One of my favourites is the introduction of “X-Room” and “Personal Room”. The “X-Room” shows photos, objects and even handwritten messages that exes shared with each other. The “Personal Room” is of the person that the participant would have interest in - their hobbies, likings, childhood dreams etc. Each contestant can only choose one room to enter.

One of the contestants, Seo Dong-jin, seemed to show no interest for his ex of 13 years in the beginning of the show. But to my surprise (and the panellists), I was shocked to see that he chose the “X-Room”. Not just that, he broke down crying as soon as he walked into the room 😭 It was such a heartbreaking moment that even the panellists had to take 20 minutes to compose themselves.


It’s obvious that some days are extremely hard for some participants. Their feelings of sadness, anger or frustration have to be hidden to not give their ex away. It’s especially hard when another rule is that you have to have dinner together every night, and that’s usually when the texts come in. Seeing some of the participants quickly rushing to the bathroom just to cry is always a tear-jerker 🥺 


With the current season, the EXchange drama is ONLY just starting as participants travel to Jeju Island! From previous seasons, all the exes have the biggest 'character development’ here. It’s the time where couples choose to reconcile, or focus their complete attention on forming a new relationship. So if you want to see more, watch the trailer here!

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