HI-TIPS: Skincare for Summertime Oiliness

by Michelle Li

The temperatures are finally rising as we go into summer, more sebum is about to start! If you’re one to experience more oil production during this time, you aren’t the only one out there. In fact, this is completely normal and I’m about to tell you why. 

Your skin has stayed hydrated and moisturised with both oil and water. But when the temperature of your skin increases, your skin’s oil glands produce more oil in a way to cool off. When your skin is exposed to hot weather, the water evaporates but the oil stays on the skin. 

If you’re not taking the correct steps, the oil, bacteria and dirt that accumulate throughout the day gets trapped into your pores and begins to clog them. This causes breakouts to easily rise and surface. Your skin's excess oil is also preventing our skin cells to naturally turnover process. Now even more chances of clogged pores and acne breakouts! But luckily, there are ways to combat this excess production of oil and sebum. And nope, cleansing our skin two-three times more a day is not one of then (this can actually produce more oil)!

First Up, Oil Cleanse!

I know it sounds scary to put MORE oil when you already have oily skin. But water-based cleansers may not be enough for you to remove the impurities clogged up in your pores, simply because water and oil don’t mix. Thus, you’ll need an oil-based cleanser to remove every bit of dirt stick in your pores. The moisture from oil-based cleanseers also prevents your skin from over-producing oil. 

The Purito From Green Avocado Cleansing Balm not only keeps your skin clean and clear but what I love most about it is it’s infused with Avocado Oil 🥑  You’ll find plenty of antioxidants and fatty acids to keep the skin protected from the harsh UV ray exposure. It also gives you that added moisturising boost without putting a super thick layer of moisturiser which is just perfect for summer!

Make BHA Your Bestie

For extra care between hot days, look for chemical exfoliants. That’s ingredients like AHA, BHA, PHA and LHA. We’ve talked about the different types here if you would like to know about each type and what's suitable for you. For oily skin types, going for BHAs are best to unclog pores as it’s an oil-soluble ingredient. This means they’ll be able to penetrate through the skin's layer of oil and sebum to actually clear out the impurities stuck in pores. 

The Celimax Ji Wooe Gae Heartleaf BHA Peeling Pad not only contains BHA to help keep pores tight and small but it'll also reduce oil. I always love to go for soothing ingredients like Heartleaf during the summertime. With it's instant cooling properties, it makes for a super refreshing start to your skincare routine 💦 The Celimax Toner Pad is perfect to incorporate 2-3 times a week to get your excess sebum under control 💚

Go for Light Moisturisers 

I know in summer when it’s hot and you’re already sweating, moisturisers are the last thing you would want to apply on your skin. But going for a light option like gels or lotions is better than nothing. Moisturisers are super important even for oily skin because it can actually help the skin produce even less oil. When your skin gets irritated and dry from the sun, your skin feels the need to produce oil to compensate for the dryness. So make sure to stay hydrated and moisturise! 

The Benton Deep Green Tea Lotion has a milky-cream texture so it’s super light on the skin. It’s also got soothing ingredients like Heartleaf and Centella to help relieve heat off the skin. But best of all is that there are four different Green Tea extracts 🍵 An ingredient known to help with oil-moisture balance to keep oil production under control. 

That's it - just three skincare steps that can save your oily skin this summer! Now that winter is long gone, oily skin types may find that the 'less is more' approach is better. Keeping your skincare routine light, refreshing and minimal may be the best trick 🥰  Good luck, Beauties - let's have the best summer!

Title Photo: www.uniqueskincare.ca

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